C ++ - Returns C ++ 11 std :: array

I have a code like

#define SIZE 10
Class User
    std::array<Account, SIZE> getListAccount()
         return listAccount;
    std::array<Account, SIZE> listAccount

Class Account
    void setUserName(std::string newUSN)
    string userName;
    string password;

int main()
     User xxx(.......);
     xxx.getListAccount()[1].setUserName("abc");    // It doesn't effect
     return 0;


Why setUserName()

doesn't the function call basically change the name in my xxx


By the way:

  • I am using std::array

    because I want to store the data in a binary file
  • In my actual code, I am user char [], not a string

source to share

2 answers

Instead, return a link to the list

std::array<Account, SIZE> & // << Note the &


Or better, don't expose the internal structure

User::getUser(size_t n) 
    return listAccount[n];




std::array<Account, SIZE> getListAccount() const {
     return listAccount;


returns a copy of the array.

std::array<Account, SIZE>& getListAccount() {
     return listAccount;
std::array<Account, SIZE> const& getListAccount() const {
     return listAccount;


returns a reference to an array.

template<class T>
struct span_t {
  T* b = 0; T* e = 0;
  span_t(T* s, T* f):b(s),e(f){}
  span_t(T* s, std::size_t l):span_t(s, s+l){}
  T* begin() const{ return b; }
  T* end() const{ return e; }
  T& operator[](std::size_t i)const{ return begin()[i]; }
  std::size_t size() const { return end()-begin(); }
  bool empty() const { return begin()==end(); }

span_t<Account> getListAccount() {
  return {listAccount.data(), listAccount.size()};
span_t<const Account> getListAccount() const {
  return {listAccount.data(), listAccount.size()};


this returns a wrapper around a pair of pointers that represent a contiguous range of accounts without exposing the underlying data structure used to store the accounts.

Of these three, I would use span_t

. It has zero overhead and hides information that the client has little interest in.



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