Firebase database save data after approval
I am using firebase database in iOS app! I write fast. I am using Submit button to write data (like text fields and label values) to my firebase database. Is there a way to accept or reject data in my database? I mean, if the user adds something to the textbox and clicks send (which means adding it to my database), I want to accept or reject it in my database before adding it there!
My button action:
@IBAction func saveBtn(_ sender: Any) {
//Saving item to database
if commentTextField.text != "" && placeLabel.text != "Location"
let place = placeLabel.text
let key = dbRef!.child("placeLabel").childByAutoId().key
commentTextField.text = ""
createAlert(title: "Thank you!", message: "Review submitted.")
self.navigationController?.popViewController(animated: true)
createAlert(title: "Why don't write a review?", message: "Please write a review.")
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If I understood you correctly, then the First way :
1) Add an extra field like
2) Add new value to your node, but only show if
isAccepted == true
.3) If
for approval.
Second way:
1) You have to create an extra node named like
Suggested actions
2) Let the user add to this node
3) Check with your user for this node and accept / reject.
4) If accepted - add to the final node
Hope it helps
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