Check if input number is in valid binary format

I tried to create a simple program that checks if the user input number is a binary number and that number is in the correct binary format -> no leading zeros. This is below my code, but it doesn't work. I would appreciate it if someone could help.

    public class CheckNumberBinary {
    public static void main(String args[]) {
        int r = 0, c = 0, num, b;

        Scanner sl = new Scanner(;
        num = sl.nextInt();
       int firstDigit = Integer.parseInt(Integer.toString(num).substring(0, 1));// i want to get the first digit from the input
        if (firstDigit>0||firstDigit==1 ){
            while (num > 0) {
                if ((num % 10 == 0) || (num % 10 == 1))
                num = num / 10;
            if (c == r) {
            } else
        } else System.out.printf("WARNING: The number starts with 0");



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5 answers

There is a better solution, you can check if your input contains only 0 and 1, and the input is large - 0, then the number of validates, so you can use String instead, like:

String num;
Scanner sl = new Scanner(;
num =;
if (num.matches("[01]+") && !num.startsWith("0")) {
    System.out.println("Correct number :" + num);
    System.out.println("Not Correct number!");


  • num.matches("[01]+")

    will check if your input contains only 0 and 1.

  • !num.startsWith("0")

    to answer this part without leading zeros


10010     -> Correct number :10010
00001     -> Not Correct number!
11101     -> Correct number :01101
98888     -> Not Correct number!




Why not just use standard library methods?

static boolean isValidBinary(final int input) {
    final String binary = String.valueOf(input);

    return binary.replaceAll("[01]", "").isEmpty() && !binary.startsWith("0");




you shouldn't use sl.nextInt();

, it will translate '011' to 11, so when the user enters '011' the variable 'num' gets the value int 11. You should just use

to get the user's input.



You can try something like this:

public static void main(String args[]) {
     boolean binary=true;  // boolean for final decision
     String input; 
     int counter=0; // to count how many leading zeros there are in the input
     int target = 5; // specify how many leading zeros allowed!!

     Scanner in = new Scanner(;
     input = in.nextLine(); // take the entire line as a String

    //first loop through the whole input to check for any illegal entry (i.e. non digits)
    for(char digit : input.toCharArray()){
         if(!Character.isDigit(digit)){ // catch any non-digit !
            System.out.println("Illegal Input Found!"); // inform user and exit
         if(digit!='0' && digit!='1'){ // check if it not 1 and not 0
               binary = false;

    // now if there are no illegal inputs, check if it starts with leading zeros 
    if(input.charAt(0)=='0'){ // potential leading zeros, check the rest
       while(input.charAt(counter)=='0'){ // while there are followed zeros
            if(counter>target && binary){ // leading zeros only in case it a binary
                System.out.println("Illegal Leading Zeros!");

    // now if your program reach this point that means the input is valid and doesn't contain leading zeros in case it a binary
       System.out.println("It is a binary number");
         System.out.println("It is NOT a binary number");



01010101  ->  It is a binary number
01010105  ->  It is NOT a binary number
0000001   ->  Illegal Leading Zeros!
0000005   ->  It is NOT a binary number
000000A   ->  Illegal Input Found!




I think you need to check the "if" state up to that point, because you don't want the number to start at 0, right? so ... just ask for it, I tried it and formulated everything ok:

public class CheckNumberBinary {
    public static void main(String args[]) {
        int r = 0, c = 0, num, b;

        Scanner sl = new Scanner(;
        String input =;
        num = Integer.parseInt(input);
        String firstDigit = (input.length() > 0 ? input.substring(0, 1) : "" );
        if (firstDigit.equals("0")) {
            System.out.printf("WARNING: The number starts with 0");
        } else {

            while (num > 0) {
                if ((num % 10 == 0) || (num % 10 == 1))
                num = num / 10;
            if (c == r) {
            } else



The rest of your code is doing its mission! It tells you if a number is binary or not and now plus tells you if your code starts with unnecessary zeros



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