How can I change my documentlet.draw sheets from imperial to metric?

I am creating a brochure map that allows users to draw a custom selection using the circle tool. The source code tells me that I can change the tooltip notification into a metric, but I don't know how.

Radius: 1239 feet

I would like to change it to:

Radius: 377 m

Visual link: Visual link

The Leaflet.draw function called to display the radius:

// Leaflet.draw.js
readableDistance: function(t, e, i, o) {
    var n, s;
    switch (s = "string" == typeof e ? e : i ? "feet" : o ? "nauticalMile" : e ? "metric" : "yards") {
        case "metric":
            n = t > 1e3 ? (t / 1e3).toFixed(2) + " km" : Math.ceil(t) + " m";
        case "feet":
            t *= 3.28083, n = Math.ceil(t) + " ft";
        case "nauticalMile":
            t *= .53996, n = (t / 1e3).toFixed(2) + " nm";
        case "yards":
            t *= 1.09361, n = t > 1760 ? (t / 1760).toFixed(2) + " miles" : Math.ceil(t) + " yd"
    return n


My own Map.js (this is how I am currently initializing the map):

// Map.js
function initMap() {
    const drawControl = new L.Control.Draw({
        draw: {
            marker  : false,
            polygon : true,
            polyline: {
                metric: true
            rectangle: true,
            circle   : {
                metric: true
        edit: false

        .on('popupopen', e => {
            $(e.popup._source._icon).attr('src', CONFIG.IMG.ELEC_ACTIVE);
        .on('popupclose', e => {
            $(e.popup._source._icon).attr('src', CONFIG.IMG.ELEC_INACTIVE);

    L.tileLayer('{z}/{x}/{y}?access_token={accessToken}', {
        accessToken: CONFIG.MAP.ACCESSTOKEN


    const icon = L.icon({
        iconUrl    : CONFIG.IMG.ELEC_INACTIVE,
        popupAnchor: [125, 25],
        iconSize   : [14, 18]

    const markers = L.markerClusterGroup({
        maxClusterRadius(zoom) {
            return (zoom <= 14) ? 80 : 1; // radius in pixels

    for (let i = 0; i < 150; i++) {
        // Remove everything except the CONFIG variables, Math.random() serves as testing display.
        const marker = L.marker([(Math.random() * 0.05) - 0.03 + CONFIG.MAP.LATITUDE, (Math.random() * 0.05) - 0.03 + CONFIG.MAP.LONGITUDE], {
            closeButton: false
        }).addTo(map).bindPopup('<p class="c-popup__content"><a class="c-popup__link" href="#">Add pole to selection</a><span class="c-popup__address">Marnixstraat 246, 1016 TL, Amsterdam<span></p>', {
            'className': 'c-popup'
            .on('click', () => {
                $('.c-popup').css('width', 'auto');



Side note: I am aware of this question: Draw Draw plugin: How to hide / show drawing tools by layer type dynamically

But this correct answer doesn't quite answer the problem I'm running into, furthermore, I would rather not write a new function to re-initialize my controls.


source to share

1 answer

It looks like the API documentation is not exactly the same as the original code (version v0.4.9


1) The docs are not explicit, but the parameters circle

have the same shape as the parameters polyline

, but they do not directly extend them. That is, pointing metric

to polyline

does not ensure its execution for circle

. => You also need to point the option metric

to circle

. (same for polygon

and rectangle

I think)

2) Although the option metric

accepts a boolean value, it must either be a string "metric"

or be used in conjunction with the option feet: false

for it to take effect.

var drawControl = new L.Control.Draw({
    draw: {
        circle   : {
            metric: 'metric'



var drawControl = new L.Control.Draw({
    draw: {
        circle   : {
            metric: true,
            feet: false



Note: Known issue, see Leaflet.draw issue # 690 . The suggested workaround is exactly what is described above.



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