How to compile and run Java with a single command line on Windows

Every time I want to build and run my program, I:

java myProgram


I want to do something like this:

buildrun = javac (some_argument).java && java (some_argument)


so after i can just

buildrun myProgram


How do I achieve this on Windows?


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2 answers

Like others have suggested, you can simply create a batch file to build and run your program. Copy this to Notepad and save as .bat.

@echo off
set /p class="Enter Class: "
javac "%class%".java
java "%class%"


As you wish, the batch file will ask for filename when it starts. In your case, you can set it to "myProgram" and then it will compile and run the program.

Just make sure your batch file and your Java file are in the same folder for this script to run. You can always customize the bat file to even accept the full path of the Java file.



Another solution. Create a file buildrun.cmd

with the following code:

@echo off
if errorlevel = 0 goto RUN

echo "Build fails!"
goto END

java %1



Now you can pass in the name of the class to be processed. For example: buildrun MyProgram


and run MyProgram.class

In this case, execution will only be executed if your class was compiled successfully.



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