Django makes a request with a custom sort

Is it possible to make a query with a collation other than the database table?


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3 answers

This is how you can use a specific sort instead of setting the default sort for a given table / column. I assume you always want this to be case insensitive to utf8_general_ci, but you can easily change that in code or add it as a variable.

Note the use of params kwarg instead of the db literal function. Params exists for the same purpose.

def iexact(**kw):
    fields = [['%s=%%s collate utf8_general_ci'%field,value] for (field,value) in kw.items()]
    return dict(where=[f[0] for f in fields], params=[f[1] for f in fields])

if User.objects.extra(**iexact(username='joeblow')).exists():
    status = "Found a user with this username!"




I solve this using a bit of hack;

The Django extra

method is similar to the method raw

, it uses the statetment request directly;

MyModel.objects.extra(where=["name LIKE '%%" + name + "%%' COLLATE utf8_general_ci"])


But like this sql injection is possible. We need to avoid the variable name

. I have searched a lot for a function that just escapes the line for db. Found one in the package MySQL-python

, but it cannot escape unicode strings. Also, the package has a literal

method in connection

, but we need an instance to use it (maybe it's for the db characteristic).

Finally, I used Django db.connection.cursor


from django.db import connection
cursor = connection.cursor()
name = cursor.db.connection.literal(name)[1:-1]  # [1:-1] excluding quotes


So we also need an instance, but I'm guessing this doesn't require a db connection. And I believe this db method is independent. If I am wrong, correct me.



Usage is a extra()

little messy. Now you can do something like this with Func () (since Django 1.8):

username_ci = Func(
    template='(%(expressions)s) COLLATE "%(function)s"')


This can be used in annotate()




Or in order_by()

to override the default sorting rules when sorting:



It might sound like a mess now, but if you look at the docs and the Func () code , you'll find that it's very easy to subclass it and make it a reusable collation setter.

I used this trick with Postgres database.



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