R: Select the Top N elements of each row.

I have a dataframe in R that records ranked customer preferences for different brands. An example data frame looks something like the table below. The actual table is much larger in both dimensions (approximately 80,000 x 30).

In the table I have:

| User | Brand_A | Brand_B | Brand_C | Brand_D |
| A    | 1       | NA      | 3       | 2       |
| B    | NA      | NA      | NA      | 1       |
| C    | 3       | 2       | 4       | 1       |
| D    | NA      | 1       | 2       | NA      |


where 1 indicates that the customer rates the brand as "best" and NA indicates that the customer has not rated the brand. I would like to create a table that selects Top 3 (or Top N) brands for each user and outputs a table that might look like this:

| User | Ranked1 | Ranked2 | Ranked3 |
| A    | Brand_A | Brand_D | Brand_C |
| B    | Brand_D | NA      | NA      |
| C    | Brand_D | Brand_B | Brand_A |
| D    | Brand_B | Brand_C | NA      |


Let's assume that each customer's rating is exhaustive, i.e. if I only used one brand, that brand is automatically rated 1.

I tried using for for loops to get the required output, but with no success. I think there is something rather simple that I am missing.


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3 answers

You can do this using apply


df2=data.frame(User=df$User,t(apply(df,1,function(x) names(x)[-1][order(x[-1],na.last=NA)][1:3])))


This returns:

User Ranked1 Ranked2 Ranked3
1    A Brand_A Brand_D Brand_C
2    B Brand_D    <NA>    <NA>
3    C Brand_D Brand_B Brand_A
4    D Brand_B Brand_C    <NA>




One option is to melt your data and then remake it. This option using data.table

will look like this:

dcast(setDT(melt(data, id.vars = "user"))[, rank := paste0("Ranked",value)][!is.na(value),], user ~ rank, value.var = "variable")

#  user Ranked1 Ranked2 Ranked3 Ranked4
#1    A Brand_A Brand_D Brand_C    <NA>
#2    B Brand_D    <NA>    <NA>    <NA>
#3    C Brand_D Brand_B Brand_A Brand_C
#4    D Brand_B Brand_C    <NA>    <NA>




with tidyverse


df <- read.table(header = T, text = '
User Brand_A Brand_B Brand_C Brand_D
A 1 NA 3 2
C 3 2 4 1
D NA 1 2 NA


df %>% 
  gather(brand, rank, -User, na.rm = T) %>% 
  filter(rank < 4) %>% 
  spread(rank, brand, sep = '')


generates ...

  User   rank1   rank2   rank3
1    A Brand_A Brand_D Brand_C
2    B Brand_D    <NA>    <NA>
3    C Brand_D Brand_B Brand_A
4    D Brand_B Brand_C    <NA>




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