Sample Java Pattern in String
Let's say you have a method that takes a template as well as a whole string ...
The method looks like this:
public int count(String pattern, String input) {
int count = 0;
// How to implement the number of occurrences of the pattern?
So the inputs can be like this:
String input = "sdbwedfddfbcaeeudhsomeothertestddtfdonemoredfdsatdevdb";
String pattern = "ddt";
int result = count(pattern, input);
What would be the most efficient way (in terms of complexity) to iterate over and find the occurrence of "ddt"?
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3 answers
An easy way to achieve this is split
the String
according to the given pattern
int result = input.split(pattern,-1).length - 1;
How it works:
.split(pattern, -1) -> split the String into an array according to the pattern given, -1 (negative limit) means the pattern will be applied as many times as possible.
.length -> take the length of the array
-1 -> the logic requires counting the splitter (i.e. pattern), so if there is only one occurrence, that will split it into two , when subtract 1 -> it gives the count
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