PySpark: change column values ​​when another column value meets a condition

I have a PySpark framework that has two columns Id and rank,

| Id|Rank|
|  a|   5|
|  b|   7|
|  c|   8|
|  d|   1|


For each line, I am looking to replace the Id with "other" if the Rank is greater than 5.

If I use pseudocode to explain:

For row in df:
  if row.Rank>5:
     then replace(row.Id,"other")


The result should look like this:

|   Id|Rank|
|    a|   5|
|other|   7|
|other|   8|
|    d|   1|


Any hint how to achieve this? Thank!!!

To create this Dataframe:

df = spark.createDataFrame([('a',5),('b',7),('c',8),('d',1)], ["Id","Rank"])



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1 answer

You can use when

and otherwise

like -

from pyspark.sql.functions import *

.withColumn('Id_New',when(df.Rank <= 5,df.Id).otherwise('other'))\


this gives the result as -

|   Id|Rank|
|    a|   5|
|other|   7|
|other|   8|
|    d|   1|




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