Comparing first 4 characters from table and fetching data from database in codeigniter

I have two different ones tables

like testimonial

and pagetitles

. By choosing pagetitles

from database

. I need to compare the first 4 characters, if both are matches, then I should get the data.

function getpagetitle($id)

    $this->db->from('pagetitle AS P');      
    $this->db->join('testimonials AS T','SUBSTR(T.testimonial_name, 4) = SUBSTR(P.page_title, 4)','INNER');
    $output = $q->result();

   return $output[0];
    return false;


Database tables


| testimonial_id |  testimonial_name | client_name |
| 1              |  testimonial      | abc         |
| 2              |  testimonial      | def         |



| pagetitle_id | pagetitle   |   
|  1           | testimonial |
|  2           | career      |



source to share

2 answers

I think you should use if then statement in mysql, so if we want to change your query, it should be something like this:

select P.*,T.testimonial_name from pagetitle AS P , testimonials as T (
 select IF 'SUBSTR(T.testimonial_name, 4) = SUBSTR(P.page_title, 4)'  
 where P.page_title>5


I am not testing it, but I think it should be true



If you don't have solutions yet, please try this below code,

$testimonials = $this->db->query("SELECT `P`.*, `T`.`testimonial_name` 
FROM (`pagetitle` P) INNER JOIN `testimonials` T ON 
((SUBSTR(`T`.`testimonial_name`, 1, 4)) = (SUBSTR(`P`.`page_title`, 1, 4))) 
WHERE `P`.`page_title` = SUBSTR('{$id}', 1, 4)")->result_array();
/* Output of $testimonials will be like below:
    [0] => Array
            [fieldname_1] => val
            [fieldname_2] => val

    [1] => Array
            [fieldname_1] => val
            [fieldname_2] => val
if(count($testimonials) > 0) {
//$output = $testimonials->result();
return $testimonials[0];
} else {
return false;




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