Custom Hbase filter on cloudera hbase 1.2.0 cluster

I am trying to deploy a custom filter to my hbase cluster. According to the cloudera docs [1], dynamic loading of filters should be enabled by default.

My hbase.rootdir /hbase

To deploy my own filter, I created a directory /hbase/lib

in hdfs and put my jar in it. Then I tried to use a custom filter from the intrinsically safe job:

object MyFilterTest {
  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
     val filter = new MyFilter()

     val scan = new Scan()

     try {
       val rdd = hbaseContext.hbaseRDD(TableName.valueOf("some_table"), scan)
       val rowKeys = => Bytes.toString(tuple._1.get))
     } finally {


But it failed with a ClassNotFoundException indicating that MyFilter could not be found. To investigate, I set the log level to DEBUG and looked at the org.apache.hbase.util.DynamicClassLoader entries in the logs but couldn't find them at all. Intrigued by this fact, I tried to set the appropriate settings explicitly. In the safety valve hbase-site.xml I have set this config:



But still it didn't work and there were no logs indicating that hbase even tried to load jars from hdfs.

Is there some configuration I forgot?



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