SQL returns second difference between two strings

This question is related to SQL Server. I have the following table:

id    size   batch code   product code      additiontime
1       91      55555       BigD Red        2017-05-15 13:00:00
2       91      55555       BigD Red        2017-05-15 13:00:05
3       94      55555       BigD Red        2017-05-15 13:00:15
4       91      44444       BigD Blue       2017-05-15 14:10:00
5       92      44444       BigD Blue       2017-05-15 14:15:00
6       93      44444       BigD Blue       2017-05-15 14:20:00
7       94      44444       BigD Blue       2017-05-15 14:30:00
8       91      33333       BigD Orange     2017-05-15 15:00:00
9       91      33333       BigD Orange     2017-05-15 15:00:10
10      94      33333       BigD Orange     2017-05-15 15:00:15


When I execute this SQL statement:

select *
from mytable y1
where size = 91 
  and not exists (select 1
                  from mytable y2
                  where y1.productcode = y2.productcode and y2.size = 92)


I get the following results:

id    size   batch code   product code      additiontime
1       91      55555       BigD Red        2017-05-15 13:00:00
2       91      55555       BigD Red        2017-05-15 13:00:05
8       91      33333       BigD Orange     2017-05-15 15:00:00
9       91      33333       BigD Orange     2017-05-15 15:00:10


I would like to modify the above query to display one line in each batch code with an extra column added to show the difference in seconds between the first and second entry of each batch of batch codes, e.g .:

id    size   batch code   product code      additiontime            seconds difference
1       91      55555       BigD Red        2017-05-15 13:00:00     5
8       91      33333       BigD Orange     2017-05-15 15:00:00     10


I tried the following SQL, which almost does the trick, but it returns multiple lines instead of one for each batch code:

WITH rows AS
        ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY AdditionTime) AS rn 
        mytable y1
        size = 91 
                        FROM mytable y2
                        WHERE y1.productcode = y2.productcode AND y2.size = 92)
SELECT DATEDIFF(second, mc.AdditionTime, mp.AdditionTime)
FROM rows mc
JOIN rows mp ON mc.rn = mp.rn - 1


My SQL knowledge is not great. I'm sure this may lead to correct results, but I've tried all the ways with no success. Thanks in advance for any pointers.


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4 answers

This gives you the result you want with a self-join over the result of cte. Also, I added PARTITION BY



      id INT ,
      size INT ,
      batchCode INT ,
      productCode NVARCHAR(30) ,
      additiontime DATETIME

INSERT  INTO #mytable
        ( id, size, batchCode, productCode, additiontime )
VALUES  ( 1, 91, 55555, 'BigD Red', '2017-05-15 13:00:00' ),
        ( 2, 91, 55555, 'BigD Red', '2017-05-15 13:00:05' ),
        ( 3, 94, 55555, 'BigD Red', '2017-05-15 13:00:15' ),
        ( 4, 91, 44444, 'BigD Blue', '2017-05-15 14:10:00' ),
        ( 5, 92, 44444, 'BigD Blue', '2017-05-15 14:15:00' ),
        ( 6, 93, 44444, 'BigD Blue', '2017-05-15 14:20:00' ),
        ( 7, 94, 44444, 'BigD Blue', '2017-05-15 14:30:00' ),
        ( 8, 91, 33333, 'BigD Orange', '2017-05-15 15:00:00' ),
        ( 9, 91, 33333, 'BigD Orange', '2017-05-15 15:00:10' ),
        ( 10, 94, 33333, 'BigD Orange', '2017-05-15 15:00:15' );
WITH    rows
          AS ( SELECT   * ,
                        ROW_NUMBER() OVER ( PARTITION BY y1.batchCode ORDER BY additiontime ) AS rn
               FROM     #mytable y1
               WHERE    size = 91
                        AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT *
                                         FROM   #mytable y2
                                         WHERE  y1.productCode = y2.productCode
                                                AND y2.size = 92 )
    SELECT  t1.id ,
            t1.size ,
            t1.batchCode ,
            t1.productCode ,
            DATEDIFF(SECOND, t1.additiontime, t2.additiontime) SecondsDiff
    FROM    rows t1
            INNER JOIN rows t2 ON t2.batchCode = t1.batchCode
                                  AND t1.id != t2.id
    WHERE   t1.rn = 1; 

DROP TABLE #mytable



id  size    batchCode   productCode  SecondsDiff
8   91      33333       BigD Orange  10
1   91      55555       BigD Red     5


Note. You should test with a large dataset to ensure accuracy and account for any other scenarios.



You are actually very close! :) The only thing missing is to add another condition in JOIN


so that you only compare strings with the same product code

as below:

WITH rows AS
          SELECT *, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY AdditionTime) AS rn 
          FROM mytable y1 
          WHERE size = 91 AND NOT EXISTS (
                                           SELECT *
                                           FROM mytable y2
                                           WHERE y1.productcode = y2.productcode and y2.size = 92)
SELECT  mc.*, DATEDIFF(second, mc.AdditionTime, mp.AdditionTime) AS Diff
FROM    rows mc JOIN rows mp ON mc.rn = mp.rn - 1 AND mc.ProductCode = mp.ProductCode


PS. Assuming you know you have two lines for the product.



;With cte(id,size,batchcode,productcode,additiontime)
SELECT 1 , 91, 55555,'BigD Red'   ,'2017-05-15 13:00:00' UNION ALL
SELECT 2 , 91, 55555,'BigD Red'   ,'2017-05-15 13:00:05' UNION ALL
SELECT 3 , 94, 55555,'BigD Red'   ,'2017-05-15 13:00:15' UNION ALL
SELECT 4 , 91, 44444,'BigD Blue'  ,'2017-05-15 14:10:00' UNION ALL
SELECT 5 , 92, 44444,'BigD Blue'  ,'2017-05-15 14:15:00' UNION ALL
SELECT 6 , 93, 44444,'BigD Blue'  ,'2017-05-15 14:20:00' UNION ALL
SELECT 7 , 94, 44444,'BigD Blue'  ,'2017-05-15 14:30:00' UNION ALL
SELECT 8 , 91, 33333,'BigD Orange','2017-05-15 15:00:00' UNION ALL
SELECT 9 , 91, 33333,'BigD Orange','2017-05-15 15:00:10' UNION ALL
SELECT 10, 94, 33333,'BigD Orange','2017-05-15 15:00:15' 
    ,(SecondDiff - LEADadditiontimeSec) AS secondsDifference
    SELECT *
        ,DATEPART(SECOND, additiontime) LEADadditiontimeSec
        ,DATEPART(SECOND, LEADadditiontime) SecondDiff
    FROM (
        SELECT *
            ,LEAD(additiontime) OVER (
                PARTITION BY batchcode
                ,size ORDER BY batchcode
                ) LEADadditiontime
        FROM cte o
    WHERE size = 91
                        WHERE  o.productCode = i.productCode
                        AND i.size = 92 )
        ) Dt
    ) Final
WHERE Final.SecondDiff IS NOT NULL



id  size    batchcode   productcode  additiontime           secondsDifference
1   91      55555       BigD Red     2017-05-15 13:00:00        5
8   91      33333       BigD Orange  2017-05-15 15:00:00        10




Hopefully the following query will do the job for you -

SELECT id, size, [batch code], [product code], additiontime, DATEDIFF(SECOND, additiontime, next_addition_time) AS [seconds difference]
    SELECT *
        , LEAD(additiontime) OVER (PARTITION BY [batch code] ORDER BY additiontime) AS next_addition_time
        , ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY [batch code] ORDER BY additiontime) AS row_num
    FROM mytable
) AS t
WHERE row_num = 1;


The subquery first puts the order of the line numbers, adding the time for each batch. It also stores the next value of the time of addition. The outer query then simply fetches the first row and the difference between the current and next added time.

Please note that you must move the subquery to a temporary table if the data is huge. Also you can do ORDER BY and provide filters in where clause.



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