Failed to capture SessionDestroyed event in Spring Redis Session + Spring boot framework

I have a Spring Boot project with Spring Session that is backed by Redis. I am trying to capture the sessionDestroyed event so that I can do some cleanup.

The code for capturing the event is below, as per instructions I found elsewhere on Stack Overflow.

 public class SessionEndedListener implements     ApplicationListener<SessionDestroyedEvent> {

private final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass());

public void onApplicationEvent(SessionDestroyedEvent event) {"Destroyed session: {}", event.getSessionId()); 




I set up my Redis session configuration like so:

@EnableRedisHttpSession(maxInactiveIntervalInSeconds = 120)
public class RedisSessionConfig {


I see multiple logs from Spring Redis clearing expired sessions every minute as shown below.

2016-07-21 11: 07: 00,026 ==== ==== thread: pool-4-thread-1 ==== DEBUG> ( ) => [] (line: 107) Cleaning up sessions expiring on Thu Jul 21 11:07:00 EDT 2016

But the code designed to capture the SessionDestroyedEvent is never called. What am I missing here?

Note that I am testing this with a local Redis server where there is no problem setting up key-space events as Egx.

When I debug the code.

This statement

   if(!body.startsWith("spring:session:sessions:")) {


in class is returned prematurely before being able to post the event

since the body variable has a value


I am using spring-session 1.0.2.RELEASE. Has the bug been fixed?


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