Angular 2 - user input in primeng list

Please take a look at this issue.


The default primeng p-listbox uses a dictionary as shown below:

let dict = [{
   label: 'some label',
   value: 'some value'


I would like to use my own dictionary as "parameters" of a primeng component


I would like to expose my custom dictionary as an element using the dataKey property and templates:

let dict = [{
   id: 1,
   name: 'name'


I know how to replace "label" with templates, but replacing "value" with dataKey property does n't work:

<p-listbox dataKey="id" [style]="{'width':'100%'}" [options]="dict" multiple="multiple" [(ngModel)]="selected" checkbox="checkbox" filter="filter">
  <template let-item pTemplate="item">




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1 answer

I had the same problem a few weeks ago and created this feed below to convert an array of any length to a PrimeNg SelectItem array. Just pipe through your array and specify which fields you want to use as value and label.

import { Pipe, PipeTransform } from '@angular/core';
import { SelectItem } from 'primeng/primeng';

 * Converts array of objects to a format compatible with PrimeNG Dropdown component
 * Usage:
 *  array | formatSelectItem:'Description':'Key'"
 * Example:
 *  dict[{id: 1, name: 'name'}] | formatSelectItem:'id':'name'
 *  formats to: [{ value: '1' , label: 'name'}]

  name: 'formatSelectItem'
export class FormatSelectItemPipe implements PipeTransform {
  transform(value: any[], valueProperty: string, labelProperty: string): SelectItem[] {
    if (value) {
     return (item) {
        return {
          value: item[valueProperty],
          label: item[labelProperty]


You would use it like: -

<p-listbox dataKey="id" [style]="{'width':'100%'}" [options]="dict | formatSelectItem:'id':'name'" multiple="multiple" [(ngModel)]="selected" checkbox="checkbox" filter="filter">
  <template let-item pTemplate="item">




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