Angular 2 when passing id to url it shows? complntId = TS0000031

has a script, if user enters one number and submits it, it should go to that id and display the details.

when i navigate the url it shows something like this

complaintstatus / TS0000031? ComplntId = TS0000031

Detailed view of the code:

export class ComplaintDetailComponent implements OnInit {
    private sub:any;
    complntId : any;
    constructor(private ComponentService:ComplaintService,private route:ActivatedRoute){

    ngOnInit() {

   this.sub= this.route.params.subscribe((params:Params)=>{



user enters id code:

export class ComplaintStatusComponent {

    constructor(private router:Router){}
  this.router.navigate(['/complaintstatus', complntId]);



and one more question: how can I send the user to enter id to another component.

and the service code:

export class ComplaintService{
    private _url:string =""
    constructor(private _http:Http){}
        return this._http.get(this._url + '/' + complntId).map((response:Response)=>response.json());



routing module:

const routes: Routes = [



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