Can STL or Boost help sort a map by value?

The word "sort" in the title can be misleading. I am looking for this behavior:

{ 1: 100,               { 1: 1,
  3: 10,        =>        3: 10,
  5: 1000,                5: 100,
  9: 1 }                  9: 1000 }


That is, reassign the values ​​to the existing keys in ascending order.

It's not hard to do this with a temporary:

using K = int;
using V = int;
std::map<K, V> myMap{ {1, 100}, {3, 10}, {5, 1000}, {9, 1} };
std::vector<V> tempVec; // insert map values into vector
std::transform(myMap.begin(), myMap.end(), std::back_inserter(tempVec),
               [](auto const& mapPair) { return mapPair.second; });
std::sort(tempVec.begin(), tempVec.end());
size_t i = 0;
for (auto& mapPair : myMap) {
    mapPair.second = tempVec[i++];


Can this be simplified or even better done on site?


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2 answers

If we don't need an efficient algorithm, we can simply implement sorting.

for (auto mi = myMap.begin(); mi != myMap.end(); ++mi) {
    auto const& mini = min_element(mi, myMap.end(), [](auto const& pa, auto const& pb) { return pa.second < pb.second; });
    swap(mi->second, mini->second);




You cannot sort the map by value.

Since it std::map

organizes records by key to accomplish this task (like O(log n)

search and insert), there is no way to change this behavior.

However, you can use std::set<YourType>

where YourType

is a tuple (for example, std::pair

or a custom type as shown below) and you provide your custom comparison operator so that the set is organized by value.

struct YourType {
  int key;
  int value;
  bool operator<(const YourType& other) const { 
    return std::tie(value, key) < std::tie(other.value, other.key); 




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