A short way to import components and modules

I used @ angular / cli to build my app. when the size of my application grows, it becomes rather difficult to specify the import paths for the components / modules / scss used

for example, if the component structure has gone deep enough. for import we have to mention import {something} from '../../../../someComponent'


Is there a way to define them somewhere how the schema can be defined





and we can directly import as import {someComponent} from 'someComponent;

and import easily anywhere

Is there any method.


source to share

2 answers


can be added to tsconfig.json


  "compilerOptions": {
    "paths": {
      "@app/*": ["app/*"],
      "@components/*": ["components/*"]


Then import absolutely from app/

or components/

instead of relative to the current file:

import {TextInputConfiguration} from "@components/configurations";




You can use the barrel in your application.

For example a component:

// heroes/folder/deep/another/deep/folder/hero.component.ts
export class HeroComponent {}


Now you can define barrel in any folder of your project that exports this module (it's called index by convention)

export * from './heroes/folder/deep/another/deep/folder/hero.component.ts'; // relative path to current folder


You can define as many barrels as you like.

You can read more in the docs



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