Real-time audio playback with fast

We have a Bluetooth device that transmits artificial audio data to an iOS app. I say artificially because this "sound" is not recorded, but synthesized by means of transfer functions applied to another signal. The generated audio data has a frequency range of 30 - 80 Hz.

The data is taken at a frequency of 500 Hz and in the Int32 type with values ​​0 → 4096 (12 bits).

Question. Using the basic structure of audio, what steps should be taken to play this data through the speakers of iOS devices when streaming it (for example, in real time)?


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1 answer

Yes, Core Audio (Audio Units, Audio Queue API) would be suitable for near real-time streaming (very short buffers). You will most likely have to boost your data to over 44.1 or 48 kHz, which is the typical audio output level of iOS hardware devices.



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