How to shrink / rearrange a multidimensional array by removing null values

I have an array named $rows

. The first line is the title. The first column X

(input signal), the remaining columns Y1

, Y2

, Y3

etc. (Output signals). For any value, X

some values Y

can be NULL


I am printing it with this code:

$first_key = key($rows);
foreach ($rows as $key => $row) {
    if($key == $first_key) {    // print header     
        fputcsv($out, array_keys($row));
    fputcsv($out, $row);


The result of this code looks like this (sorted by column X


  X   |  Y1  |  Y2  | Y3 |
 0.1  |      |  10  |    |
 0.5  |  90  |      |  7 |
 0.7  |  15  |  40  |    |
 1.2  |      |  12  |    |


Objective: reorganize the output to have the columns X1

, Y1

, X2

, Y2

etc., so that in each pair ( Xi

, Yi

) values NULL

(empty) between the data line and header:

X1    |  Y1  | X2  | Y2 | X3 | Y3 |
0.5   |  90  | 0.1 | 10 | 0.5| 7 |
0.7   |  15  | 0.7 | 40 |    |   |
      |      | 1.2 | 12 |    |   |


My attempt:

$current_header  = array_keys($rows[0]);
$size = count($current_header);
$new_header=array();   // the new header: X1, Y1, X2, Y2,...
for ($i=1; $i<$size; $i++) {
    $new_header[2*$i]   = $x_column;
    $new_header[2*$i+1] = $y_column;
    $arr_Y[$y_column]   = array_column($rows, $y_column);  
    $arr_X[$y_column]   = array_column($rows, $x_column); 


Next step: attach $arr_X[$y_column]

and $arr_Y[$y_column]

to arr_XY

. I think that in this array the key should be the index (string #); also arr_XY

shouldn't include points where $arr_Y[$y_column]


: I don't know how to do this

for ($i=1; $i<$size; $i++) {
    // here should be the code to join arrays and eliminate NULL arr_Y points 
    $arr_XY[$y_column] = ($arr_X[$y_column], $arr_Y[$y_column]);


In the last step, I need help: assembling and printing the output lines by concatenating everything arr_XY[$y_column]

at the line index.


source to share

1 answer

Is this what you are after?





foreach($rows as $i=>$row){
    if(!isset($result)){                       // prepare result keys in order
        foreach(array_slice($row,1) as $col){  // don't iterate X column of header
            $no=substr($col,1);                // get number following Y
            $result["X$no"]=[];                // declare X column with column integer
            $result["Y$no"]=[];                // declare Y column with column integer
        foreach(array_slice($row,1,null,true) as $i=>$col){  // ignore X column
            if(!is_null($col)){                // only store non-null values
                $result["X$i"][]=$row[0];      // assign X value
                $result["Y$i"][]=$col;         // assign Y value


Alternative method:

foreach($rows as $i=>$row){
    foreach(array_slice($row,1,null,true) as $c=>$col){



array (
  'X1' => [0.5, 0.7],
  'Y1' => [90, 15],
  'X2' => [0.1, 0.7, 1.2],
  'Y2' => [10, 40, 12],
  'X3' => [0.5],
  'Y3' => [7]




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