VS2013 function declaration C # => sign

This code is giving me an error in vs2013 ... I don't understand why ... can anyone help me? my problem is that i don't know what it is for =>

and how to fix the errors

using System;

namespace SmartStore.Core.Logging
    public static class LoggingExtensions
        public static bool IsDebugEnabled(this ILogger l)                                               => l.IsEnabledFor(LogLevel.Debug);

    public static void Fatal(this ILogger l, string msg)                                            => FilteredLog(l, LogLevel.Fatal, null, msg, null);
    public static void Fatal(this ILogger l, Func<string> msgFactory)                               => FilteredLog(l, LogLevel.Fatal, null, msgFactory);

    public static void ErrorsAll(this ILogger logger, Exception exception)
        while (exception != null)
            FilteredLog(logger, LogLevel.Error, exception, exception.Message, null);
            exception = exception.InnerException;

    private static void FilteredLog(ILogger logger, LogLevel level, Exception exception, string message, object[] objects)
        if (logger.IsEnabledFor(level))
            logger.Log(level, exception, message, objects);

    private static void FilteredLog(ILogger logger, LogLevel level, Exception exception, Func<string> messageFactory)
        if (logger.IsEnabledFor(level))
            logger.Log(level, exception, messageFactory(), null);



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1 answer

In this case, =>

denotes an element with an expression-expression and is equivalent to:

public static void Fatal(this ILogger l, Func<string> msgFactory) 
    return FilteredLog(l, LogLevel.Fatal, null, msgFactory); 


However, this syntax was introduced in C # 6, which requires the Visual Studio 2015 compiler or newer. Switch to method syntax or update your version of visual studio.



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