Android emulator screen size does not match device frame size

When I run the emulator, the screen size is smaller than the device frame, as shown in the image below. This only happens on a computer with a 3840 x 2160 screen resolution Android emulator screen


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2 answers

I have a Dell XPS 13 with a 3200 x 1800 screen resolution and had the same problem.

After playing around with the settings, I found a (temporary) solution in Android Studio:

Go to Tools -> Android -> AVD Manager

  • Click on "edit this AVD" (the one with the pencil drawing)
  • In "Emulated Performance" click "Software .." (image below)

Thus, the rendering is done from the software and not from the video card. It definitely affects performance, but maybe in a benchmark, that's okay.

Alternative suggestion: I tested the Genymotion emulator and it works. It's free for personal users and is arguably a good option if you want something faster.

enter image description here



If the above emulated performance is not active, it was the case for me, so the above answer didn't help.

Not the most efficient way, but you can change the screen resolution to (1920x1080) and the scale factor to 100% and it works fine. You may need to restart your computer.



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