Dynamic global variable in Codeigniter Controller

I am trying to put a dynamic header on my website, here it is.

class Survey extends MY_Controller {

   public $my_title;

   public function __construct(){
     $this->my_title = ""; //setting to blank

   public function survey_form(){
     $this->data['title']    = $this->my_title; //display the title
     $this->middle       = 'Survey_view';

   public function validate_stub($survey_code){
     $data          = $this->Survey_model->get_questions($survey_code);
     $this->my_title    = $this->Survey_model->get_quest_title($survey_code); //getting from database title 

     $this->session->set_userdata('stub_data', $data);


The first to run is the validate_stub function, then I would like to pass return get_quest_title to the global $ my_title variable and then pass it to the survey_form function. In this case, $ this-> my_title is empty, how can I pass the title from db and then put into a global variable and then go to the view. Thanks to


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1 answer

I don't understand why you are using redirect

in validate_stub()

. You can call the function survey_form

right here, this is the code:

class Survey extends MY_Controller {

   public $my_title;

   public function __construct(){
     $this->my_title = ""; //setting to blank

   public function survey_form(){
     $grab_title = $this->session->userdata('my_title');
     if(isset($grab_title) && $grab_title != "") {
         $this->data['title']    = $grab_title;
     }else {
         //do some checks here and add something default
         $this->data['title']    = $this->my_title;             
     $this->middle       = 'Survey_view';

   public function validate_stub($survey_code){
     $data          = $this->Survey_model->get_questions($survey_code);
     $this->my_title    = $this->Survey_model->get_quest_title($survey_code); //getting from database title 

     $this->session->set_userdata('stub_data', $data);
     $this->session->set_userdata('my_title', $this->my_title);




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