When the user chang...">

Ionic text area input event

I am using Ionic3 and have:

        <ion-textarea (change)="reviewChange()"></ion-textarea>


When the user changes input and blurs the focus out of the text area, the function is reviewChange()

triggered as expected.


Is it possible to add an event equivalent ion-searchbar


? that is, when the user enters text, an event is fired for each key pressed.


I am trying to track how many characters a user has left. eg.

500 characters left


To do this, I need to track every key stroke. Is there a better way or some automated way to do this?


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2 answers

An easier way would be to bind the text area to a property from the component

<ion-textarea maxlength="500" [(ngModel)]="myText"></ion-textarea>


And below that area of ​​text, you can display the characters remaining like this:

<span>{{ 500 - myText.length }} characters left</span>




You can just try event (input). It runs for every key entry.

     <ion-textarea [(ngModel)]="text" (input)="reviewChange()"></ion-textarea>




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