Inheritance Hierarchy from Template Arguments

I need to create a type erasure pattern that would allow all contained objects to be inherited from a given base class. As far as I know, the popular erasure type boost :: any allows fetching an object with any_cast only if the requested and containing classes matches exactly, so it won't suit my needs.

I could solve the problem with a template class that mimics the inheritance relationship of the template argument. For example, it TemplateClass<Derived>

should be a child TemplateClass<Base>

, so the following example will work:

// Suppose all clases have virtual destructors so that vtable and RTTI info are available

class ObjectWrapperBase {

template<class DataType>
class ObjectWrapperT: public ObjectWrapperBase {
  ObjectWrapperBase(T* ptr): dataObjPtr(ptr){}
  DataType *dataObjPtr;

class Base{}
class Derived: public Base{}
class NotDerivedFromBase{}

int main(){

  std::vector<ObjectWrapperBase*> v;
  v.push_back(new ObjectWrapperT<Base>(new Base));
  v.push_back(new ObjectWrapperT<Derived>(new Derived));
  v.push_back(new ObjectWrapperT<NotDerivedFromBase>(new NotDerivedFromBase));

  // Now suppose I want to retrieve all the Base and children objects in v
  // If ObjectWrapperT<Derived> is a child of ObjectWrapperT<Base> I can write:

  for(int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++){
    ObjectWrapperT<Base> *wPtr = dynamic_cast<ObjectWrapperT<Base>*>(v[i]);
      Base *basePtr = wPtr->dataObjPtr;


Is there a pattern for achieving this behavior? Or, after all, another solution? Thank.


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2 answers

You can't do exactly what you want, but you can get something a little closer with templates and operators.
As a minimal working example:


template<typename D>
struct S {
    S(D *d): d{d} {}

    template<typename B, typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_base_of<B, D>::value>>
    operator S<B>() {
        return {d};

    D *d;

struct B {};
struct D: B {};
struct A {};

int main() {
    S<D> sd{new D};
    S<B> sb = sd;
    // S<A> sa = sd;


If you switch the comment to the last line, it will no longer compile for A

non-baseline B




I don't know if this is what you are looking for, but you can do something like this:

template <typename T>
class Derived : public T



And then instantiate a class named mothers Base

like this:

Derived<Base> object;


You will finally get this from Base


class Derived : public Base





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