Angular 'Error: $ injector: cdep Circular Dependency' when using factory in app.js

I am trying to use tokens to handle my user authentication. I hit the road and I'm not really sure where to go from here. I've looked around a bit and it looks like I should be using the service $injector

, but I'm not 100% sure. Can anyone please help?

I created a factory that receives a token from node:

angular.module('myApp').factory('authenticateInterceptor', function(authenticateToken){

var authenticateInterceptorFactory = {};

authenticateInterceptorFactory.request = function(config){

    var token = authenticateToken.getToken();

        config.headers['x-access-token'] = token;

    return config;

return authenticateInterceptorFactory;



Here is the code for the autenticateToken:

angular.module('myApp').factory('authenticateToken', function($http, $window){

    authenticateTokenFactory = {};

    authenticateTokenFactory.getToken = function(token){
        return $window.localStorage.getItem('token');

    return authenticateTokenFactory;



There are no errors here, the problem comes when I try to use this factory in my app.js.

angular.module('myApp', [
    'dependancies goes here'


Now this throws an error, I cannot pass my factory to the interceptors.


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1 answer

Most likely the circular dependency is caused by injecting the service $http

inside the authenticateToken


the conflict exists because in the angular bootstrap phase try to resolve dependencies $http

(as well as other core services) in that order.

  • $httpProvider

  • authenticateInterceptor

  • authenticateToken

    (include $http

    , and here we go back to 1.)

By the way, since the service is $http

not used in authenticationFactory, you can even remove the injection, but if you need this service you can try injecting it dynamically just to avoid it.

angular.module('myApp').factory('authenticateToken', function($injector, $window){

    authenticateTokenFactory = {};

    authenticateTokenFactory.getToken = function(token){
        return $window.localStorage.getItem('token');

   authenticateTokenFactory.otherMethod = function(){
    //this code is not reached when your interceptor is added to 
    //$httpProvider interceptors array so theorically neither the exception
     var http = $injector.get('$http');
     http.get (/)...


    return authenticateTokenFactory;





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