Firebase in Data Change is called multiple times in add event event

I have set up two listeners

  • Request to get the last message
  • If the last message is a group type, I get the group information using the group Listener

However, when I get the message type using messageListener and set the groupListener, it returns multiple onDataChange Debug.e("parentsnap",dataSnapshot.getValue().toString());

called more than once How do I do this please send

    groupListener = new ValueEventListener() {
        public void onDataChange(DataSnapshot dataSnapshot) {
            Debug.e("parent snap", dataSnapshot.getValue().toString());
            for (DataSnapshot d :
                    dataSnapshot.getChildren()) {
           //my code

        public void onCancelled(DatabaseError databaseError) {




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2 answers

If you need to receive data once, you need to use addListenerForSingleValueEvent(...)

instead addValueEventListener(...)

. Then onDataChange()

will only come back once



Check if you have



and now test without it.

If you are storing data locally and using it addListenerForSingleValueEvent(...)

, this can result in multiple (2) calls to get fresh data.



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