Unpacking using a card

Assuming I have two iterables of numbers with the same length

weights = range(0, 10)
values = range(0, 100, 10)


I need to calculate a weighted amount. I know it can be done with a list comprehension.

weighted_sum = sum(weight * value for weight, value in zip(weights, values))


I wonder if this can be done using map

and operator.mul


import operator

weighted_sum = sum(map(operator.mul, zip(weights, values)))


but this gives error

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<input>", line 3, in <module>
TypeError: op_mul expected 2 arguments, got 1


so my question is, is there a way to pass unpacked tuples using map



source to share

3 answers


not needed zip

, just use

weighted_sum = sum(map(operator.mul, weights, values))


From map


If additional iterative arguments are passed, the function must take many arguments and apply to elements from all iterations in parallel.

It is also mentioned in the documentation map

that instead of map

for, zip

you can use input itertools.starmap

instead map


As Rahul hinted , using is numpy

always a good idea when dealing with numbers, in fact something like

import numpy as np

np.asarray(weights) * values


should already be doing the trick (although unlike map

this requires the two arrays to be the same length, and map

display the shortest length).



Try the following:

>>> import operator
>>> weights = range(0, 10)
>>> values = range(0, 100, 10)
>>> sum(map(lambda i:operator.mul(*i), zip(weights, values)))



>>> sum(map(operator.mul, weights, values))




You can also try with numpy


In [45]: import numpy as np

In [46]: sum(map(np.multiply,weights,values))
Out[46]: 2850


As suggested by Tobias Kienzler,

In [52]: np.sum(np.array(weights) * values)
Out[52]: 2850




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