Failed to start IIS after Windows 10 upgrade

After upgrading to Windows 10 Developer Creation, I noticed that IIS no longer works on my system. So I went ahead and installed IIS from the "Turn Windows On or Off" option in Control Panel. While I was at it, I also checked all the IIS and .NET infrastructure related fields.

After rebooting my machine after installation, IIS came back with all the previously configured websites, but they all stopped. When I try to run them I get this message:

Websites cannot start if both Windows Activation Services (WAS) and World Wide Web Publishing Service (W3SVC). Both services are currently stopped.

Looking at the services, I can only see World Wide Web Publishing Service (W3SVC)

in disabled state but Windows Activation Service

missing. When trying to start W3SVC, an error message appears:

Windows was unable to start the World Wide Web Publishing Service service on the local computer. Error 1068: Service or dependency group failed to start.

Can anyone help me get my IIS up and running like before? Appreciate your time and help.


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