Chrome fonts for rendering errors in Angular 2 projects

I have a problem displaying fonts in chrome with requests that return 304.

Look at the following cases:

Case 1:

Bad rendering Loading fonts with 304 http code

Case 2:

enter image description here enter image description here

This only happens in Chrome. It has been tested in Safari, Firefox and Edge. All browsers display font 304.

Another hint I can tell you is that if I open up the Chrome dev tools and uncheck the random style property and check it again (this property should not be owned by this component, for example I can uncheck the body -> background-color ), the font is displayed correctly.

BUT, all this only happens when the page loads and the url changes. For example, I am on the home page /, and click a link to go to / foo, if the font only loaded at that moment from 304 then it will not show chrome. If I load / foo and click Refresh Entire Page, the font is displayed.

Any idea? Is this a known issue? Is Angular the problem? Chrome issue?

Any ideas are appreciated.


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