JQuery UI: how to convert element to circle when sorting or dragging

I want to know that I can convert an element to a circle by sorting or dragging it (the element) including its children. I have tried but its incomplete.

       cursor: 'move',
     start: function( event, ui ) {
     stop: function( event, ui ) {



        // opacity: 0.6,
        handle: ".draggable-area",
        cursor: 'move',
        start: function( event, ui ) {
        stop: function( event, ui ) {


My jsfiddle link


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1 answer

Instead of transforming an element with CSS, there is a standard way to accomplish your goal. Its as follows:

    cursor: 'move',
    helper: function(){
       return $("<div class='sortable-change'></div>");
    cursorAt: { left: -60, top: 20 }


We can use helper and cursorAt when initializingsortable

The updated codepen can be seen here: http://codepen.io/anon/pen/QvVRgz



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