Admob designed for families not showing ads

I want to add my application to "Designed for family", but for a mixed audience, as the official documentation says that I am changing my ads request like this:

Bundle extras = new Bundle();
extras.putBoolean("is_designed_for_families", true);
AdRequest adRequest = new AdRequest.Builder()
            .addNetworkExtrasBundle(AdMobAdapter.class, extras)


The problem is when I add "is_designed_for_families" additionally, the ads are not displayed.

W/Ads: Failed to load ad: 3


Update . I know that error 3 means admob doesn't have an ad to serve yet, but I've set up a "test device" to show test ads.

I have not yet marked Designed for Families on Google Play because I want to check if my ads are displayed correctly.

Any ideas on what's going on?


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2 answers

Error code 3 means that there is no ad in the ad ad yet. This means that your implementation of the code is correct, but at the moment there are no ads to show.

Also, if you've just implemented admob, it might take a while to start sending ads. This is called "Warming Up" and it can take up to several days (depending on the number of ad requests).

Update: If you receive a DO NOT FILL message (code: 3) while testing Targeted for Families ads, the test ad will not display. To test if your admob implementation works, simply remove the extra "is_designed_for_families".

This is the intended behavior of the admob sdk. Source



You can change AdMob to others because AdMob looks at the settings of your app in the play store and checks if the app is "familey" see this site



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