Magrittr%>% Operator for resizing matrix

I am doing my childish steps with an operator %>%

in R. This is extremely useful, but sometimes I get stuck on what should be simple.

Consider the following example:

mm<-matrix(nrow=4, ncol=5, seq(20))


which I am using for matrix smoothing. How can you smooth mm with %>%



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4 answers

One solution would be c()


mm %>% c
#[1]  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20




You can use the function:

set_dim_to_null <- function(mat) {
  dim(mat) <- NULL

mm %>% 


Or use curly braces, which can act like an anonymous function:

mm %>% {
    dim(.) <- NULL




mm %>% as.numeric


also gives the desired result.



Magrittr has several aliases for settings.


not among them, but setters in R are really just functions with special names that end in <-

and return modified objects. So simply doing the following gives you a nicely named function that does what you want:

set_dim <- `dim<-`


You can use an alias like this or a simple mesh name in pipes:

mm %>% set_dim(NULL)
mm %>% `dim<-`(NULL)




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