How to read JPG2000 using Python?

I read some JP2 (JPEG200) images with matplotlib and got numpy arrays with large numbers over 40,000.

Reading code:

img_blue =mpimg.imread('B02.jp2')
img_green =mpimg.imread('B03.jp2')
img_red =mpimg.imread('B04.jp2')



[[12290 12694 13034 ...,  1968  2078  2118]
 [12174 12374 12696 ...,  1998  2068  2134]
 [12422 12522 12512 ...,  1990  1972  1990]
 [ 4268  4276  4064 ...,     0     0     0]
 [ 4174  4114  3938 ...,     0     0     0]
 [ 3954  4036  3906 ...,     


What does this data mean?

Does this mean JP2 can contain more dynamic range? How can I convert it to a regular image? Just normalize? What does the denominator mean?

An example file is here:


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2 answers

Q: Does this mean JP2 can contain a higher dynamic range?

Yes, it does :

JPEG 2000 supports any bit depth, such as 16- and 32-bit floating point pixel images, and any color space.

Q: How do I convert it to a regular image? Just normalize? What does the denominator mean?

An HDR image must be mapped to an 8-bit image using tonemapping, which is, in general, non-linear mapping. Different tone shaping curves will give different results. You can do it with OpenCV as shown in the OpenCV HDR Image Processing Tutorial :

# Play with the gamma value to arrive at a result that you like
tonemap = cv2.createTonemapDurand(gamma=2.2)
tonemapped_img = tonemap.process(img.copy())
img_8bit = numpy.clip(tonemapped_img*255, 0, 255).astype('uint8')




I just divide 22.5 by B02, B03, B04 and combine them.

saw this page

my code

b_r = im_b_04/22.5;
b_g = im_b_03/22.5;
b_b = im_b_02/22.5;

RGB_gt = numpy.zeros([len(b_r), len(b_r[0]), 3], np.uint8)
RGB_gt[:, :, 0] = b_r;
RGB_gt[:, :, 1] = b_g;
RGB_gt[:, :, 2] = b_b;


it works.



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