Why is Jasmine failing my pickup and breaking the bug?

I raise the same error I'm trying to catch but won't catch it

My code:

SimpleMath.prototype.getFactorial = function(number) {
  if (number < 0) {
    throw new Error("Cannot be less than zero");
  else if (number == 0) {
    return 0;
  else if (number == 1) {
    return 1;
  else {
    return number * this.getFactorial(number-1);


My tests are as follows. The first 2 work, but the last one, which throws an exception, doesn't work:

describe("SimpleMath", function() {
  var simpleMath;

  beforeEach(function() {
    simpleMath = new SimpleMath();
    var result;

  it("should calculate a factorial for a positive number", function() {

  it("should calculate a factorial for 0 - which will be zero", function() {

  it("should calculate a factorial for -3 - which will raise an error", function() {
    function() {
    }).toThrow("Cannot be less than zero");



Startup and crash:

3 specs, 1 failure
Spec List | Failures
SimpleMath should calculate a factorial for -3 - which will raise an error
Expected function to throw 'Cannot be less than zero', but it threw Error: Cannot be less than zero.


I tried adding a period to the end of the post as the output shows this, but it didn't help.


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1 answer

Since you are using toThrow()

, you must create an instance Error


  function() {
  }).toThrow(new Error("Cannot be less than zero"));


You can also use toThrowError()

which allows you to validate the message without the error type:

  function() {
  }).toThrowError("Cannot be less than zero");




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