JNLP files won't run from IE11 on Windows 10

As of May 9th, after Windows 10 update to IE11 11.0.40, JNLP files won't run from IE, but on a computer with IE version 11.0.34, it works fine.

Any ideas?

Thank you in advance


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5 answers

The problem is fixed in Java 8 u162. Now you can install Java RE x86 and x64 and jnlp will open just like in Internet Explorer. We are using sitelist / Enterprise Mode to redirect jnlp urls from Edge to Internet Explorer.



I had the same problem after installing Windows 10 update.

Cause / Solution: I have both 32-bit and 64-bit JRE (Java 8 Update 131) installed on my machine. This was not a problem before the creators update. Java applications and Java Webstart applications worked fine in Internet Explorer 11. However, Internet Explorer 11 (11.332.15063.0) seems to have problems with the 64-bit JRE. Java Webstart applications can only run if only the 32-bit JRE is installed.



Thank! I uninstalled Java x64 and solved my problem with the jnlp file not starting.



Alex, it looks like our friends at Oracle heard you loud and clear. According to the JDK Bug System, this issue is tracked under the JDK-8185661 defect . A fix appears to be under development for inclusion in an upcoming critical update (CPU) update.

In the meantime, it is possible to test the fix on a development system using the Early Access Build downloaded via Oracle Java Early Access Downloads page After reproducing the issue with JRE 8u151 (1.8.0_151-b12) on Windows 10 version 1703 using IE 11.0.44, I checked the issue as fixed after upgrading to early access JRE 8u162 (1.8.0_162-ea-b01).



I had a problem opening the jnlp file, no matter what, when trying to link it to Java Web Service exe javaws.exe, but it just wouldn't link and start. I read on the forums and that's it, and in the end from the old DOS.exe files that I was using, somehow I did it and miracle it worked, I just dragged the saved jnlp file and dropped it on javaws.exe, and it was done. wanted to share this ...



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