Terminate NSOperation Block save loop warning?

I have similar code in two parts of my app, xcode gives warning for one but not the other. From my understanding of the documentation, I think there shouldn't be a warning anyway.

// In one part of my code I have this
__block UploadOperation *uploadOperation = [[UploadOperation alloc] initWithPsc:self.persistentStoreCoordinator webService:self.webService];
uploadOperation.completionBlock = ^{
    if (uploadOperation.uploadCount > 0) {
        self.expediteNextSync = YES;

// And in another I have this
__block SyncOperation *syncOperation = [[SyncOperation alloc] initWithPsc:self.persistentStoreCoordinator webService:self.webService];
syncOperation.completionBlock = ^{
    if (syncOperation.expediteNextSync) { // <--- This one gives the warning "Capturing 'syncOperation' strongly in this block is likely to lead to a retain cycle"


The documentation says:

In iOS 8 and later and macOS 10.10 and later, this property is set to nil after the completion block starts.

So I don't think there will be any save cycle.


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