Laravel Eloquent - how to join a table

I am working on an API for my application.

I am trying to pull items from a database and return them to a JSON object, my items table looks like this:



this is how i get the items:

$rows = Company::where('guid',$guid)
                ->orderBy('name', $sort_order);


I want to replace currency_id with a currency object that contains all columns of the currency table

so my result would be like this:

    'description': 'example',
     'symbol': '$'


Update : This is my currencies table:




source to share

2 answers

Edit 2: The user issue was more complex than this since pagination and search was done with the request. Helped with

Edit: I checked the code. So here.

In the company model

public function items()
    return $this->hasMany(Item::class);


In the item model

public function currency()
    return $this->belongsTo(Currency::class);


Controller logic

$items = Company::with(['items' => function($query) use ($sort_order) {
    $query->with('currency')->orderBy('name', $sort_order);
    ->where('guid', $guid)


Result with test data

        "id": 2,
        "name": "Toy",
        "description": "Random text 2",
        "price": 150,
        "company_id": 1,
        "currency_id": 1,
        "currency": {
            "id": 1,
            "name": "usd",
            "symbol": "$",
            "code": "USD"
        "id": 1,
        "name": "Phone",
        "description": "Random text",
        "price": 100,
        "company_id": 1,
        "currency_id": 1,
        "currency": {
            "id": 1,
            "name": "usd",
            "symbol": "$",
            "code": "USD"


Try it.

$rows = Company::with('items.currency')
    ->where('guid', $guid)
    ->orderBy('name', $sort_order);




Try below

Make one relationship in the item model

 public function currencies() {
        return $this->hasMany('App\Currency');


then do below in your controller





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