Json input map but not output in Suave


maps the input JSON to an object in your function, then maps the output of your function to JSON.

The problem is that I am happy with how it maps to my function, but I need to return a json string response and not have my output serialized to JSON for me. How can i do this?

I am currently getting my output serialized twice. My code:

let executeQuery : Query -> string = //Query is my deserialised json input, the return value is a json string
let app = POST >=> path "/graphql" >=> Json.mapJson executeQuery >=> setMimeType "application/json; charset=utf-8"
startWebServer defaultConfig app



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1 answer

If you look at the source code for Suave , you can see what mapJson

is shorthand for mapJsonWith fromJson toJson

. Functions fromJson

and toJson

are the default JSON deserializer and serializer (respectively), but you can create your own instead - or just use id

to say "draw this direction without changing it". For example.

let oneWayMapJson = mapJsonWith fromJson id


Note that I have not tested this, just typed it in the Stack Overflow answer box, so some tweaking may be required. I don't have time to expand on this answer right now, but if you need more help than this rather Barebon answer, let me know and I'll try to give you more help sometime tomorrow.



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