C ++ 17 separate declaration and definition of a method template instance
I am currently using a separate explicit declaration of an instance of a class template and an explicit definition of an instance of a class template, reducing compilation time and working great.
However, I have some class that is not a template, but only some methods inside the class.
Can you use the same separate declaration and definition mechanism for template methods?
template template (working):
template <class T>
class A {
void f(T t);
// Class explicit template instantiation declaration
extern template class A<int>;
extern template class A<double>;
template <class T>
void A<T>::f(T t) {
// Class explicit template instantiation definition
template class A<int>;
template class A<double>;
method template (doesn't work):
class B {
template <class T>
void g(T t);
// Method explicit template instantiation declaration
extern template method B::g<int>;
extern template method B::g<double>;
template <class T>
void B::f(T t) {
// Method explicit template instantiation definition
template method B::g<int>;
template method B::g<double>;
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