Counting if a specific variable exists in multiple columns

I would greatly welcome any of you brilliant coders who could help me with this. My coding experience in mysql / php is limited, but I am stubborn.

So far: This successful query below gives the number of employees who have "serious" in only one column "rsmed" for business named "zmon", now I need to count as "serious" from multiple columns for "zmon" for business:

mysql_connect("$host", "$username", "$password")or die("cannot connect"); 
mysql_select_db("$db_name")or die("cannot select DB");

$query = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM forearm WHERE business='zmon' AND rsmed = 'severe' "; 

$result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
echo "There are ". $row['COUNT(*)'] ." employees severe in rsmed.";


I'm stuck here: I need to count the number of "breaks" in multiple columns (rslat, rsmed, rscentral, rselbow) in a table named "forearm" for a business named zmon.

So the business columns contains the company name. The same business can have multiple lines, each corresponding to a different employee. The other columns (rslat, rsmed, rscentral, rselbow) contain any of 4 variables: minor, low, medium, high, and severe.

I hope you have enough information.

Thanks Paul


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3 answers

You can manipulate the query to use SUM(criteria)

or SUM(IF(condition, 1, 0))

to count each column separately.

    SUM(rslat = 'severe') as rslat_count,
    SUM(rselbow = 'severe') as rselbow_count,
    SUM(rsmed = 'severe') as rsmed_count,
    SUM(rscentral = 'severe') as rscentral_count
FROM forearm
WHERE business='zmon'



| id | business |  rslat | rselbow |  rsmed | rscentral |
|  1 |     zmon | severe |  severe | severe |      good |
|  2 |     zmon | severe |  severe |   good |      good |
|  3 |     zmon |   good |  severe |   good |      good |
|  4 |     zmon | severe |  severe |   good |      good |



| rslat_count | rselbow_count | rsmed_count | rscentral_count |
|           3 |             4 |           1 |               0 |


Then you can display the results in php using

$sentence = 'There are %d employees severe in %s';
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
    printf($sentence, $row['rslat_count'], 'rslat');
    printf($sentence, $row['rselbow_count'], 'rselbow');
    printf($sentence, $row['rsmed_count'], 'rsmed');
    printf($sentence, $row['rscentral_count'], 'rscentral');



To get the final total of the individual columns, you just need to add them.

   SUM(counts.rslat_count + counts.rselbow_count + counts.rsmed_count + counts.rscentral_count) as severe_total,
      SUM(rslat = 'severe') as rslat_count,
      SUM(rselbow = 'severe') as rselbow_count,
      SUM(rsmed = 'severe') as rsmed_count,
      SUM(rscentral = 'severe') as rscentral_count
   FROM forearm
   WHERE business='zmon'
) AS counts



| severe_total | rslat_count | rselbow_count | rsmed_count | rscentral_count |
|            8 |           3 |             4 |           1 |               0 |


Then display the harsh total

$sentence = 'There are %d employees severe in %s';
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
    printf($sentence, $row['rslat_count'], 'rslat');
    printf($sentence, $row['rselbow_count'], 'rselbow');
    printf($sentence, $row['rsmed_count'], 'rsmed');
    printf($sentence, $row['rscentral_count'], 'rscentral');
    echo 'business in ' . $row['severe_total'] . ' severe conditions';




If you count how many "breaks" are in different columns (rslat, rsmed, rscentral, rselbow), you can try changing your query something like this:

SELECT COUNT(*) AS employee_count, "rsmed" AS rtype 
FROM forearm WHERE business='zmon' AND rsmed = 'severe'
SELECT COUNT(*) AS employee_count, "rslat" AS rtype 
FROM forearm WHERE business='zmon' AND rslat = 'severe'
SELECT COUNT(*) AS employee_count, "rscentral" AS rtype 
FROM forearm WHERE business='zmon' AND rscentral = 'severe'
SELECT COUNT(*) AS employee_count, "rselbow" AS rtype 
FROM forearm WHERE business='zmon' AND rselbow = 'severe'


Then you can write your loop like this:

while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
    echo "There are {$row['employee_count']} employees severe in {$row['rtype']}.";




Try the following:



$conn = mysql_connect("$host", "$username", "$password")or die("cannot connect"); 

mysql_select_db("$db_name")or die("cannot select DB");

$query = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM forearm WHERE business='zmon' AND rsmed = 'severe' "; 

$result = mysqli_query($conn,$query);


  // Return the number of rows in result set


  printf("Result set has %d rows.\n",$rowcount);
  // Free result set







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