Non-exhaustive template in GHCi function

I want to create a function that displays the last item in a list. This is my code:

ghci> let myLast :: [a] -> a
ghci> let myLast [] = error 
ghci> let myLast [x] = x
ghci> let myLast (x:xs) = myLast xs


And I am getting the following error:

***Exception: Non-exhaustive patterns in function myLast


I realized that you are getting this error when you are missing a case, but I think I have included all the possibilities. Any ideas?


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2 answers

If you use let

on each line, each definition will create a new function named myLast

, overshadowing all previous definitions. So what do you end up equivalent to

GHCi> let myLast (x: xs) = myLast xs


You might want to make a haskell file say MyLast.hs


module MyLast where

myLast :: [a] -> a
myLast [] = error 
myLast [x] = x
myLast (x:xs) = myLast xs


you can load this file into GHCi with ghci MyLast.hs


The keyword let

is only required when you are already in GHCi (or in some monads like IO

or in another function) and want to make a local definition. But then you only have to use let

once eg.

GHCi> let myLast :: [a] → a; myLast [] = error; myLast [x] = x; myLast (x: xs) = myLast xs


twiceLast :: [Int] -> [Int]
twiceLast = let myLast [] = error 
                myLast [x] = x
                myLast (x:xs) = myLast xs
            in \xs -> 2 * last xs


which I would however prefer to write as

twiceLast = (2*) . myLast
 where myLast [] = error 
       myLast [x] = x
       myLast (x:xs) = myLast xs




In ghci, each use let

introduces a new definition, so you override your function multiple times instead of adding cases.

Two alternatives:

  • put the definition in a file and load it with the command :r

  • use :{ ... :}

    to input multiple lines:


*Main> :{
*Main| let foo [] = True
*Main|     foo _ = False
*Main| :}




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