VSTS / TFS extension - reflect changes in grid / board without refreshing the whole page

I wrote an extension for VSTS / TFS that adds a context menu for creating child work items. Creating work items works well, but the change is not reflected in the Grid / Board until I refresh the entire page.

Is there a way to update only affected work items (somewhat similar to updating done by the "+" menu item)?


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3 answers

As far as I know, this is currently not possible.

I struggled with this issue for a long time before I gave up and just told my users to press F5 after creating new work items. NavigationService is the best alternative I know of.



There is no way to achieve this. If you open two pages and click the "+" button to add two different children of the two pages at the same time, you will find that the affected work item is not updated, it just shows the newly added one. And you cannot control the behavior on the Grid / Board either since the VSTS extensions are hosted in an iframe that is crossover.



In your specific case, it won't help. However, if someone comes across this question looking for ways to refresh a work item, you can use the "refresh" item form service method:


This service is a means for interacting with the active form of a work item. Therefore, this update will work on a work item that the user has opened.



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