Accessing WPF Component inside DataTemplate with Data Binding

I have several UI elements in DataTemplate

bound to ObservableCollection

Video objects. I want to call a method of the Video object when I click on the ContextMenuItem [Test] of the corresponding UI item.

Here is my XAML:

            <ItemsControl Name="VideoUIElment" >
                    <DataTemplate x:Uid="videoTemplate">
                        <Border CornerRadius="10" Padding="10, 10" Background="Silver" >
                            <TextBlock Name="label" Text="{Binding Name}" FontSize="30" Foreground="Black" VerticalAlignment="Center" HorizontalAlignment="Center">
                                        <MenuItem Header="[TEST]" Name="Test" Click="Test_Click"/>


Here is the collection:

    public MainWindow()
        pathToLauncher = string.Empty;
        videos = new ObservableCollection<Video>();
        VideoUIElment.ItemsSource = videos;


I know that for this I need to determine which Video object inside the collection is bound to a specific UI element I click and I could think of some trick to achieve this, but I would like to do it gracefully and intelligently. I've already seen some suggestions, but none of them seem to apply here. I guess it should be something lightweight, but I'm not very good at WPF yet.


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1 answer

Try the following:


public partial class MainWindow : Window
    ObservableCollection<Video> videos { get; set; }

    public MainWindow()

        videos = new ObservableCollection<Video>
            new Video {Name = "Video 1"},
            new Video {Name = "Video 2"},
            new Video {Name = "Video 3"}

        VideoUIElment.ItemsSource = videos;

    private void Test_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
        MenuItem item = (MenuItem)sender;

        Video video = (Video)item.DataContext;




public class Video
    public string Name { get; set; }

    public string VideoMethod()
        return string.Format(" Clicked {0}", Name);


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