Bash: reading a multiline string in multiple variables

How can I assign a newline delimited string eg. from three lines to three variables?

# test string
s='line 01
line 02
line 03'

# this doesn't seem to make any difference at all

# first naive attempt
read a b c <<< "${s}"

# this prints 'line 01||':
# everything after the first newline is dropped
echo "${a}|${b}|${c}"

# second attempt, remove quotes
read a b c <<< ${s}

# this prints 'line 01 line 02 line 03||':
# everything is assigned to the first variable
echo "${a}|${b}|${c}"

# third attempt, add -r
read -r a b c <<< ${s}

# this prints 'line 01 line 02 line 03||':
# -r switch doesn't seem to make a difference
echo "${a}|${b}|${c}"

# fourth attempt, re-add quotes
read -r a b c <<< "${s}"

# this prints 'line 01||':
# -r switch doesn't seem to make a difference
echo "${a}|${b}|${c}"


I also tried using echo ${s} | read a b c

instead <<<

but couldn't get this to work.

Can this be done in bash at all?


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2 answers

Reading the default input delimiter is \ n

{ read a; read b; read c;} <<< "${s}"


-d char: allows you to specify a different input delimiter

For example, there is no SOH (1 ASCII) character in the input line

IFS=$'\n' read -r -d$'\1' a b c <<< "${s}"


EDIT: -d can take a null argument, the space is required between the -d and null arguments:

IFS=$'\n' read -r -d '' a b c <<< "${s}"


EDIT: Following a comment about a solution for any number of lines

function read_n {
    local i s n line
    for ((i=0;i<n;i+=1)); do
        IFS= read -r line
    done <<< "${s}"

read_n 10 "a${nl}b${nl}c${nl}d${nl}e${nl}f${nl}g${nl}h${nl}i${nl}j${nl}k${nl}l"

printf "'%s'\n" "${arr[@]}"




You are looking for a command readarray

, not read


readarray -t lines <<< "$s"


(In theory, $s

there is no need to quote here. If you are not using bash

4.4 or newer, I would still quote it due to some bugs in previous versions bash


Once the strings are in the array, you can assign separate variables if you need





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