Split a string into a list of selections based selectively on certain commas within the string

I have a long Python string of the form:

string='Black<5,4>, Black<9,4>'


How can I split this string and any other arbitrary length that is of the same kind (i.e. <ArbitraryString1<ArbitraryListOfIntegers1>,<ArbitraryString2<ArbitraryListOfIntegers2>,...

) into a list of tuples.

For example the following desired output from string




I usually use string.split

commas to create a list and then a regex to separate the word from <>

, but since I need to use commas to delimit my indices (content <>

), this doesn't work.


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3 answers

You can use a regex to capture 1+ word characters before <

and capture everything inside <...>

into another group, and then split the content of group 2 with ,

, casting the values ​​to int:

import re
s='Black<5,4>, Black<9,4>'
print([(x, map(int, y.split(','))) for x,y in re.findall(r'(\w+)<([^<>]+)>', s)])
# => [('Black', [5, 4]), ('Black', [9, 4])]


See Python demo

Template details :

  • (\w+)

    - group 1 (assigned x

    ): 1 or more word characters
  • <

    - literal <

  • ([^<>]+)

    - Group 2 (assigned to y

    ): 1+ characters other than <


  • >

    - letter >



you can do the non-enclosed comma separation <,>

manually and then process the details later:

string = 'Black<5,4>, Black<9,4>'

chunks = []
s = string + ','
N = len(s)
pos, level = 0, 0
for i in range(0, N):
    if s[i] == '<':
        level += 1

    elif s[i] == '>':
        level -= 1

    elif s[i] == ',':
        if level == 0:
            pos = i+1





You can split by ", "

(note the spaces) and then execute the data.

Sample code:

string='Black<5,4>, Black<9,4>'

splitted_string = string.split(', ')

list_of_tuples = []
for s in splitted_string:
  d = s.replace("<", " <").split()

  color = d[0]
  n1 = d[1].replace("<", "").replace(">","").split(",")[0]
  n2 = d[1].replace("<", "").replace(">","").split(",")[1]

  t = (d[0], [n1, n2])




[('Black', ['5', '4']), ('Black', ['9', '4'])]




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