Caffe network gets very low loss, but very poor accuracy when tested

I am a bit new to work and I am getting strange behavior. I am trying to use fine tuning on bvlc_reference_caffenet to do an OCR task.

I took my preprocessed net, changed the last FC level to the number of output classes I have, and retrained. After several thousand iterations, I get ~ .001 size loss and over 90 percent accuracy when testing the network. However, when I try to run my network over data, I get terrible results, no more than 7 or 8 percent.

The code I am using to start the network:


net = caffe.Classifier('bvlc_reference_caffenet/deploy.prototxt', 'bvlc_reference_caffenet/caffenet_train_iter_28000.caffemodel',  
                       image_dims=(227, 227, 1))

input_image ='/Training_Processed/6/0.png')    
prediction = net.predict([input_image])  # predict takes any number of images, and formats them for the Caffe net automatically    
cls = prediction[0].argmax()


Any thoughts on why this performance might be so poor?


PS: Some additional information that may or may not be used. When classifying as shown below, the classifier appears to favor certain classes. Even though I have class 101 problem, it seems to me that at most 15 different classes are assigned

PPS: I am also sure that I am not over-recycling. I've tested this with snapshots and they all show the same poor results.


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1 answer

In your code to test the model you posted, omit some components:

  • It looks like you are not subtracting the average of the image.
  • You have not swapped channels from RGB to BGR.
  • You have not scaled the inputs to the range [0..255].

In cases like this, caffe.Classifier

you might see something like:

net = caffe.Classifier('bvlc_reference_caffenet/deploy.prototxt',
                       mean = NP.load( 'ilsvrc_2012_mean.npy' ),
                       input_scale=1.0, raw_scale=255,
                       image_dims=(227, 227, 1))


it is important to have the same input transformations in the test as in training.



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