Cortana Skill only works for the developer account that created it
I built a bot in a bot framework and provided it in teams in addition to the Skype and Web standard.
Then I turned on the Cortana skill and it worked for me on that channel. Now when I add users to testing using the deploy to group option, although they can select "Join Group", they cannot actually use Skill.
I tried it myself on my machine, but with a new Outlook account and Cortana was unable to use this skill. Is there something about the accounts I add to the group that I need to set up?
These same users can use other skills that have been publicly posted to Cortana.
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I experienced the same condition. In the end, I removed the bot / skill and recreated it from the cortana dashboard (new skill) rather than directly through the botframes dashboard - worked great and the group members could access - weird as it ends up in the same end in the end location - perhaps more due to recent updates on MS sites.
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I recently worked on a Cortana skill and was deployed to a team for testing. You don't need to configure anything else other than submitting email messages in the Expand Group group.
This, however, only works for MSA accounts. Make sure other members of your group are using their live / outlook account.
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