ROQL group by union fields

I am using Oracle RightNow which uses MySQL but cannot have nested queries and only select (pun!) The number of commands at my disposal: Connect% 20for% 20PHP% 20API / RightNow% 20Object% 20Query% 20Language / ROQL% 20and% 20Common% 20Objects.htm

CASE statements are not allowed

Let's say I have

Select Count(*) as Amount, Category 
From MyTable
Group by Category


Everything is good and I get the table below

Amount | Category
1      | Contact Editor
4      | Incident Editor
787    | Raise a Request
78     | Pending Information


How do I need to amend my query so that I can concatenate the first two rows with a new updated table as

Amount | Category
5      | Editor
787    | Raise a Request
78     | Pending Information




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2 answers

Try grouping using an expression case


select Count(*) as Amount,  case when Category in('Contact Editor', 'Incident Editor') then 'editor' else Category end
From MyTable
Group by case when Category in('Contact Editor', 'Incident Editor') then 'editor' else Category end




select count(*), 
case when Category like '%Editor' then 'Editor' else Category end as Category
From MyTable
Group by Category




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