Gitlab CI: setting dynamic variables

For gitlab CI, I define some variables like this:

  PROD: project_package
  STAGE: project_package_stage
  PACKAGE_PATH: /opt/project/build/package
  BUILD_PATH: /opt/project/build/package/bundle


I would like to set these variables a little dynamically as there are basically only two parts: project

and package

. Everything else depends on these values, which means that I only have to change two values โ€‹โ€‹to get all the other variables.

So, I would expect something like

  PROJECT: project
  PACKAGE: package
  STAGE: $PROD_stage
  BUILD_PATH: /opt/$PROJECT/build/$PACKAGE/bundle


But it looks like it's wrong ...


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1 answer

I do not know where your expectation, but is trivial to verify there is no special meaning to $

, _

'/' and :

, if not followed by a space
in the YAML. Maybe in gitlab, but I highly doubt it is as you expect.

To formalize your expectation, you assume that any key (from the same mapping) that is preceded $

and ends at the end of the scalar with _

or /

will be "expanded" to that key value. _

must be such a terminator, otherwise $PROJECT_$PACKAGE

it will not expand correctly.

Now let's look at adding a key-value pair:



it is supposed to expand to:

 BREAKING_TEST: /opt/project/build/package/bundle


or follow the rule of being _

a terminator and simply expanding to:



To prevent similar programs with ambiguity, such as bash

using quotes around variable names to be expanded ( "$PROJECT"_PATH


), but a smarter and more modern solution is to use clamping start and end characters (e.g., {

and }

, $%

and %

,) with some special rule to use the clamping symbol as plain text.

So, it won't work as you indicated that you are indeed doing something wrong.

There is no need to preprocess the YAML file, and this can be done in Python for example (but note that {

has a special meaning in YAML), possibly with jinja2: load the variables, then expand the source using the variables until the replacements will no longer be done.

But it all starts with a wise choice of separators. Also keep in mind that although your "variables" appear to be ordered in YAML text, there is no such guarantee when they are constructed as dict / hash / mapping in your program.

You can, for example, use <<

and >>


  PROJECT: project
  PACKAGE: package
  STAGE: <<PROD>>_stage
  PACKAGE_PATH: /opt/<<PROJECT>>/build/<<PACKAGE>>
  BUILD_PATH: /opt/<<PROJECT>>/build/<<PACKAGE>>/bundle


which with the following program (which does not handle escaping <<

to keep it normal) generates your original, extended, YAML exactly.

import sys
from ruamel import yaml

def expand(s, d):
    max_recursion = 100
    while '<<' in s:
        res = ''
        max_recursion -= 1
        if max_recursion < 0:
            raise NotImplementedError('max recursion exceeded')
        for idx, chunk in enumerate(s.split('<<')):
            if idx == 0:
                res += chunk  # first chunk is before <<, just append
                var, rest = chunk.split('>>', 1)
            except ValueError:
                raise NotImplementedError('delimiters have to balance "{}"'.format(chunk))
            if var not in d:
                res += '<<' + chunk
                res += d[var] + rest
        s = res
    return s

with open('template.yaml') as fp:
    yaml_str =
variables = yaml.safe_load(yaml_str)['variables']
data = yaml.round_trip_load(expand(yaml_str, variables))
yaml.round_trip_dump(data, sys.stdout, indent=2)




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