Angular 2 Component Reuse Using Shared Modules
I am trying to cut down on redundant code in my application by combining components used across multiple modules into a common module. I followed Angular Post,!#shared-module . It looks like I am skipping a step because the application hangs when I make the described changes.
I created two plunkers, one without the shared module and the second plunker after the changes were made. The starting code can be found at this link;
Then I made the following changes.
- Created common module (see code below)
- Added PageNotFoundComponent parameter to SharedModule
Updated app.module.ts
and. Comments FormsModule
b. Commented on the pageNotFoundComponent
from. Imported SharedModule
Updated app-routing.module.ts
and. Commented PageNotFoundComponent
Note that I have tried to keep it simple by not adding too many components to the common module and not using the common module wherever it might be used.
Plunker with these changes can be found at this link;
The code for a common module looks like this:
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { CommonModule } from '@angular/common';
import { FormsModule } from '@angular/forms';
import { PageNotFoundComponent } from './not-found.component';
imports: [ CommonModule,
declarations: [ PageNotFoundComponent
exports: [ PageNotFoundComponent,
FormsModule ]
export class SharedModule { }
Appreciate any thoughts on what steps I am missing or what I am doing wrong.
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Error loading
found.component.ts as "./not-found.component" from
So shared.module.ts is in the application / shared folder, but it is trying to load a component that was not found from the same directory.
Looking at your plunker, the member not found is in the application folder.
I believe you need to move the not found component to the application / shared folder.
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